2 Stories in One!!!! CITY FHEPS OWE ME $25,740.00
An Abusive program
I am a small landlord with one rental property. The first tenant that I have in the 3-bedroom apartment
came from a shelter through City Feeps. The family stayed at the apartment for three years. City Fheps
never sent me the Landlord Bonus that I singed for. Later one, the husband in the family got arrested
twice, they lowered the rent by $400 for 11 months ($4,400) because he was not living at home. Besides
the woman did not pay for three months. Thank God they left, but destroyed the apartment in a 60% of
the structure.
I Spoke to the homebase located at, THE HOMEBASE Bronxdale
Catholic Charities Community Services 2901 Whiteplains Road 347-913-4694 but the
supervisor told me that she had nothing to do with this case. That she was going to close it, and
I should go after the city. Sincerely, ElProfe
A Ghost Called CityFheps
In march 2020 a Realtor introduced me a family that had to move because their previous apartment had
been sold and they needed a new place. I thought that City Fheps was a secure program, and I decided
to rent again for tenants with City Fheps. The apartment pass the inspection, and two social workers
came in to inspect the premises.
1- They moved in in March 2020, right at the beginning of the Pandemic, and the tenant was
supposedly working with a HOMEBASE CATHOLIC CHARITIES Unionport Catholic Charities
Community Services 2155 Blackrock Avenue 718-414-1050. I emailed then the papers
several times, and they never processed, even after the pandemic. ‘
2- I never received no even $ one penny of rent from City Fheps from March 2020 till
March 21, then on April 2021 till August 2021, CityFheps was paying $450 monthly for a
3 bedroom apartment.
3- City Fheps owed me as a Landlord a Total of $25,740.00 which I do not know If I will ever get
4- I have tried several ways, One shot deal, the Erap program, I have written, emailed them, but
nothing work on my favor.
5- I am frustrated, I do not know what to do, I will never rent to City Fheps not Even if they offer
$5,000.00 per month.
6- It is June 22, 2022 and still I have not heard from them, and I have not received not even one
penny. I believe they just want to take people out of the shelters and place it in property of
good people to messed their lives up. Sincerely, ElProfe