The city lies to both the people using vouchers and the landlords.

I doubt you want to hear this but I want to make the record clear, the city lies to both the people using vouchers and the landlords. We're told the voucher pays the landlord in full the last day of the month for the next month, ex July 31 for August rent. We're told it's the entire amount at once.That no matter our Public Assistance status if we get accepted into an apartment the voucher remains active till the end of the current year. That way if we're in a lease and we lose the case both the tenant and landlord will be fine till the end of the year.Some people on the voucher try to do better or have an unfortunate loss of work and either way lose the case, we get told we'll be fine, and that's a lie from the city. Also tenants are never told what they will have to pay until the paperwork is done, so sometimes it winds up being too much for the tenant to pay and they never knew. I know there's other horror stories But for the people who use the vouchers and pay their portion we get screwed worse then the landlords. Because at the end of the day either we become homeless again or never get housed.